Activate God given gifts,
All while experiencing the transforming power of God!
Build your spiritual life,
Grow in the knowledge of God,

TP Academy:
9:00am | 1st, 2nd, 3rd Sunday
2:00pm | 4th Sunday
Sunday Worship:
11:00am | 1st, 2nd, 3rd Sundays
4:00pm | 4th Sunday
Transformation Tuesday:
7:15 pm
4th Tuesday | Next Gen Night
Monthly intercessory Prayer:
“Seek Week” - the First 3 Days of each month.
Seek Week is a sacred time set apart to prioritize the presence of God. During the first three days of each month, we intentionally pause to seek His face through fasting and prayer. It is a time to draw closer to Him, hear His voice, and align our hearts with His will. Through fasting, we surrender distractions and focus on spiritual growth.
Through prayer, we deepen our connection with God and intercede for our families, church, and community. Seek Week is a reminder that when we seek God first, He empowers us to walk in purpose and victory for the month ahead.
You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart.” (Jeremiah 29:13 NIV)